Newspaper Articles

FOR SALE: Baby Parts

“Planned Parenthood” is the largest provider of abortions in the United States. Recent undercover video sting operations have recorded Planned Parenthood abortion providers casually and callously discussing the harvesting and sale of aborted baby parts. One of the abortion providers discusses the various extraction techniques that are best for preserving sellable organs and other “fetal […]

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The Pharisees once asked Jesus, “Is it lawful to divorce one’s wife for any cause?” Jesus answered their question. He described what was “lawful” in marriage by citing God’s original design of marriage, which was one man + one woman for life (Matthew 19:3-6, see also Genesis 2:24). Jesus did not say man + man

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There are some areas in life where compromise is a good and commendable thing. Family members may compromise over which restaurant to eat, which movie to watch, or where to go on summer vacation. Business partners may compromise over which direction to take their company. In matters where there is no absolute standard of right

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Why the Riots?

The Baltimore riots of this past week are another reminder of the problems that our society continues to face. Respectful, non-violent protestation can be a good and effective means of identifying and condemning wrongs and injustices. God actually instructs us to give peaceful protest against those things that He deems to be sinful and wrong:

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Millions of Americans are about to celebrate the day of Thanksgiving. “Thanksgiving” means different things to different people. Most Americans likely think of a specific day in November when they hear the word “thanksgiving.” It is traditionally a day for gathering with family and eating a turkey dinner. Family members have an opportunity to visit.

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Quarters, nickels, pennies and dimes are “denominations” of a dollar. Religiously speaking, a “denomination” is one particular branch or sect of a larger body of religious people. Many people have the idea that the universal church of Christ is composed of such denominations. Consequently, the members of these various denominational churches tend to accept all

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