
The Bible and Salvation

This may seem strange, but some religious people see no real connection between the Bible and salvation. To them, spirituality can be achieved apart from Bible teaching. They classify Bible teaching (doctrine) as a mere option for those Christians that are more “academically minded.” There are some obvious flaws in this reasoning: The Bible is a body of instruction to […]

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Do Miracles Happen Today?

The Bible records a great number of miracles that were witnessed by thousands of people throughout the known world. These miracles physically benefited the thousands of people who were affected by them. The dead were raised, the crippled, sick and diseased were healed, the blind, deaf and mute were cured, and the demon-possessed were freed. Miracles

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Faith “Alone?”

All who truly believe the Bible believe that salvation is by faith. Romans 5:1 says, “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Most Bible students agree that this verse contains the theme of the book of Romans – justification by faith. Sadly, many people make the mistake of thinking

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