Newspaper Articles

Why Study The Bible

“Of making many books there is no end, and much study is weariness of the flesh” (Ecclesiastes 12:12). Solomon here makes two important observations: 1. The writing of books is a continual process, and 2. Diligent study requires effort. I recently read that over 129 million different books have been published. Indeed, “of making many

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“It Is Written”

While many religious people believe the Bible to be important, and they want to believe that they are following the Bible, very few people actually cite biblical texts in defense of their positions and practices. Too many people simply assume that their religious teachings and traditions are correct. This is dangerous, for Jesus said that

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Christmas Time Religion

Religious sentiment tends to increase during Christmas and Easter. And even though we admit that a small amount of attention to Bible topics is better than none at all, we do not want people to be deceived into thinking that this seasonal “religion” is sufficient for their souls. There is more to serving God than

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