
The Possibility of Apostasy

Is it possible for a child of God to behave in such a way so as to be eternally lost? Many people from a cross-section of religious backgrounds believe and teach that such is not possible. They hold to the doctrine of the “impossibility of apostasy.” This doctrine is otherwise known as “once saved always

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The question is sometimes asked, “Do you believe in predestination?” Some will say yes, and others no. However, all true Bible believers do believe in predestination, for the Bible teaches it. The question should not concern the reality of predestination, but its nature. The question should be, “What is predestination?” Due to the widespread influence of Calvinism,

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Previously I posted an article about the problem of denominationalism. Yet in the religious world, there seems to be a shift occurring. We are seeing a gradual move from denominationalism to non-denominationalism. It is becoming more common to pass a church building and the name on the sign does not include a denominational distinction. That

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When talking with people and the topic of religion comes up, they sometimes ask, “what denomination are you a part of?” I tell them I’m not part of a denomination. This is a strange concept for many, and as a result provides some opportunity to discuss spiritual matters with them. Many cannot envision Christianity without

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Numbers and Popularity

In the physical realm, there is often safety in numbers. We witness this in the animal kingdom with “herd” animals. Dangers come for the animal that ventures too far away from the herd. Humans understand this safety principle as well. We teach youths the “buddy-system.” We tell them to not separate from their “group” when

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