Divine Revelation

These lessons were presented on the radio on October 12, 19, and November 2, 2014. Divine Revelation (Part 1) Divine Revelation (Part 2) Divine Revelation (Part 3) To listen, simply click on the link and the file should start playing automatically. To download the file to your computer, right-click (PC) or control-click (Mac) and select […]

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Millions of Americans are about to celebrate the day of Thanksgiving. “Thanksgiving” means different things to different people. Most Americans likely think of a specific day in November when they hear the word “thanksgiving.” It is traditionally a day for gathering with family and eating a turkey dinner. Family members have an opportunity to visit.

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Quarters, nickels, pennies and dimes are “denominations” of a dollar. Religiously speaking, a “denomination” is one particular branch or sect of a larger body of religious people. Many people have the idea that the universal church of Christ is composed of such denominations. Consequently, the members of these various denominational churches tend to accept all

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In every ideological arena there exists both “liberals” and “conservatives.” Additional terminology is sometimes used to distinguish the varying degrees of liberalism and conservatism — such as “progressives” (ultra-liberals) and “radicals” (ultra-conservatives). We especially see this liberal/conservative divide in the areas of religion, social issues, politics and economics. The difference has to do with how

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