Leap of Faith

Information in our current world is growing in leaps and bounds. We use this information to discover how and why things in the world around us work. We capture satellite imagery for use in studying the weather and its patterns and we attempt to use that data to forecast what the weather might be like

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The Unbreakable Book

The Bible has been under full-out assault for centuries and it continues to be misrepresented, ridiculed and attacked today. It is the most banned and burned book in the world, yet it continues to be the best-selling book in the world! It is the most hated and the most cherished book of all time. The

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Sin and Salvation

The “political correctness” of the social sphere has produced a kind of religious correctness among religious people. This has led to the popular notion that Christians are not to be critical of any type of behavior that they consider to be sinful and wrong. It is alleged that “true” Christians will have a “live and

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Matthew 19:9 and Door Slamming

Some brethren claim that an innocent spouse has no right to repudiate his fornicator-mate and marry another if that fornicator has already broken the physical marriage relationship. They base the innocent spouse’s divorce right, not upon his own innocence and his mate’s fornication, but upon the status of the physical marriage relationship. They claim that

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