Strangers and Pilgrims

My last paper article addressed the subject of immigration and the right of a nation under its God-ordained laws (Romans 13) to control who enters its country. This article addresses spiritual citizenship and the nature of the Christian’s life upon the earth and his relationship to it. The apostle Peter wrote, “Dearly beloved, I beseech

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Church Crisis Centers

There seems to be no end to the number and types of programs, projects, productions and activities being carried on by churches right now. Churches have “self-help” programs (for auto-repair, job-training, secular-education, arts and crafts, sports and entertainment…etc). Some churches have for years had child-day-care centers. Some churches now have their own “crisis” centers, including

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Bible Authority

It has been said that most religious errors stem from a lack of respect for Bible authority. This is true, but there is the added problem of a general lack of understanding of how authority is established. Many people do not know how to use the Bible to determine right from wrong and approved practice

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The Silence of the Scriptures

One of the greatest causes of religious error is disrespect for God’s silence. Far too many people, including many among God’s people, believe that God’s silence actually authorizes religious doctrines, practices and programs rather than exclude them. They interpret God’s silence as permissive, rather than prohibitive. They believe that if a thing is not explicitly

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