Alcohol and the Bible

These lessons were presented on the radio, October 4 & 11, 2009. Alcohol and the Bible (Part 1) Alcohol and the Bible (Part 2) To listen, simply click on the link and the file should start playing automatically. To download the file to your computer, right-click (PC) or control-click (Mac) and select the option to […]

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The Proof of God in Man

If the Bible is what it claims to be, then God does exist. Conversely, if God does exist, then it is reasonable to believe that He would reveal Himself to His creatures, and particularly to a sentient creature like man. It is important to remember that, if the Bible is true, all unbelievers will experience

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Obamacare and Abortion

President Obama and his democratically controlled congress are now in a frenzy to pass their national health care plan. An effort is currently under way to get the plan passed in the House of Representatives, then use a “budget reconciliation” procedure to pass it in the Senate. This procedure requires a simple majority of only

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Do Miracles Happen Today?

The Bible records a great number of miracles that were witnessed by thousands of people throughout the known world. These miracles physically benefited the thousands of people who were affected by them. The dead were raised, the crippled, sick and diseased were healed, the blind, deaf and mute were cured, and the demon-possessed were freed. Miracles

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We Can Understand the Bible

Many say we cannot understand the Bible. Though if we could, they certainly believe that we cannot understand the Bible alike. This statement is often used to justify the countless doctrines and denominations we see in the religious world. But is the assertion true that we cannot understand the Bible? Or can we even say we

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How to Approach the Bible

Paul told Timothy, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). The instruction to accurately handle the word implies the need to study and learn the word of God. (The King James Version actually uses the

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