When Belief Is Simply Belief

Christians are entrusted by God with the work of defending the truth from the onslaught of errors that constantly oppose it. We are to be “set for the defense of the gospel” (Philippians 1:17, KJV, NKJV, verse 16 in the ASV, RSV, ESV, NASB). We are to “earnestly contend for the faith that was once […]

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Updates to the Website

Due to some recent issues with our website, we had to make a number of changes in order to fix it – including a new design and reconfiguring all of the audio files for the radio programs in the archives. After working to correct these issues over the past couple of weeks, it appears that

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Study Questions: Jonah

In our adult Bible class, we spend time studying the different books of the Bible. This page contains the questions for our study of Jonah. These questions are simply used as an aid to study. If you are able to join us, we meet for Bible study every Sunday morning at 9:00am and Wednesday evening

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The Bible and Profanity

The Bible condemns various misuses of the tongue, including lying, slander, gossip, cursing, back-biting and even false-teaching. This article will focus primarily upon profanity and vulgarity. The use of profanity and obscene language continues to be a terrible problem in many cultures and countries. Some people seem unable to utter a single sentence without including

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As creatures made in the image of God, humans are designed to work and be active. It is in our DNA. It is what makes us our happiest and most content. It drives us to obtain the things that we want and need. Solomon said, “The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing;

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Mayor Pete’s Pro-Gay Creator

Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana, is one of the many democrats running for President. He is gay and he is “married” to a man. He also has a very pro-gay political agenda. However, unlike most, Pete Buttigieg tries to use religion to promote the gay lifestyle and agenda. Being an Episcopalian, Pete Buttigieg

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