After a study of 2060 cardiac arrest survivors, scientists have concluded that consciousness continues for some time after the brain stops receiving blood from the heart. It had been believed that brain function typically ceased within 30 seconds of the heart stopping, but this new research proves that conscious awareness can continue for up to three minutes later. The report spoke of one particular man who was able to recall with “eerie accuracy what was going on around him after he had died ‘temporarily’.”
While this research does not constitute scientific proof of the soul, it does reinforce biblical teaching about consciousness after death. Science is limited in that it operates in the physical realm, not the spiritual. It relies upon physical testing and analysis. It deals with actions and processes that are repeatable and observable. The Bible goes beyond science, in that it addresses truths and realities that are beyond man’s ability to test and observe. It addresses spiritual realities as well as physical ones. This is possible due to the Bible’s divine authorship — the Bible is “inspired of God” (2 Timothy 3:16). Its writers spoke and wrote as they were “moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Peter 1:20-21). Omniscient God can speak with equal authority of both realities, for both were created by Him. Biblical information regarding conscious existence and awareness after death is not limited to mere physical experience and observation. The nature of the soul (spirit) is explained by the very One Who forms it in every human being (Zechariah 12:1).
Scientists may have only recently concluded that human consciousness continues after death, but Bible-believers have known this all along. We know from divine testimony that humans possess an immortal soul that continues to exist in the spiritual realm for eternity. Human memories and conscious awareness are not erased at the point of physical death. Both continue into the afterlife. Luke 16:19-31 demonstrates that both the righteous dead and the wicked dead have conscious awareness following death. The rich man of this text still knew that he had five brothers alive upon the earth. The soul will continue to exist, either in a place and condition of eternal life and bliss (Heaven), or in a place and condition of eternal punishment (Hell) (Matthew 25:46).
In some Bible passages, the word “soul” represents this eternal consciousness. Others use the word “spirit.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23 is helpful, for it uses both. Paul wrote, “Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” In this verse, the word “soul” represents life (the result of a spirit being united with a fleshly body) and the word spirit represents the eternal consciousness that lives beyond the physical body. This “spirit” is under the control of God, and upon death it leaves the body (James 2:26). It “flies away” (Psalm 90:10) and goes to its appointed place, whether “torments,” and later “the lake of fire” (Luke 16:23; Revelation 20:14-15), or “Paradise,” and later “Heaven” (Luke 23:43; 16:23, 25; Revelation 21). It is important that we provide for the soul now, for physical death ends our ability to do so. Luke 16:26 describes a “great gulf fixed” that prevents souls from passing between the two compartments of hades. In other words, one’s fate is sealed by death. Now is the time to meet God’s soul-saving conditions of salvation (John 8:24; Acts 2:38; Romans 10:10). Contact us for further study.
Read my fuller study of the afterlife here – What Happens When We Die?
—Tim Haile