In her recent performance at a gay pride celebration, the pop star-singer, “Lady” Gaga, put a new twist on the closing words of our National Anthem. Rather than saying, “O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave,” Gaga sang, “land of the free and home for the GAY.” This, of course, was met with loud cheers from her sycophantic and uninformed fans and admirers.
On the one hand, Gaga’s lyrical substitution might be heralded as a testament to the great freedoms that we enjoy in our nation, particularly our freedom of speech. On the other hand, her substitution of words might be seen as a godless and despicable derogation of the brave men and women who have fought, bled, suffered and died for the very freedoms that the people of this country now enjoy. Ironically, this includes people like “Lady” Gaga, who have popularized and enriched themselves through these freedoms. Such people appear to be totally oblivious to the great sacrifices that men and women have made over the past 200 years to make and keep this country free.
Over 1.3 million brave US men and women have lost their lives fighting for this country and its freedoms. Hundreds of thousands of others have suffered debilitating combat-related injuries – both physical, mental and emotional. By substituting “gay” for “brave,” Gaga elevates a type of sexual perversity to the same level of value as the honorable and sacrificial service that has been rendered by our country’s patriots and heroes. Gaga equates sexual perverts to patriots. Her literary substitution may have thrilled the homosexual community and other sexual deviants, but I doubt that it was as well-received by the ranks of “the brave” who are serving, and who have served in our nation’s military.
Some people will be offended by my dichotomy between “land of the gay and “land of the brave. It will be argued that “gay people can also be brave.” While some gay men do obsess over appearing weak and effeminate, other gays are fit, strong and yes, brave. Gay people do serve in the various branches of the armed services. However, this was not Gaga’s purpose in her butchering of the Star-Spangled Banner. She did not contrast the bravery of some with the bravery of others: She contrasted the “brave” with the “gay.” Her purpose was to pander to the gay community on the heels of the two recent Supreme Court rulings that were favorable to gay marriage. I resent her shameless misuse of our National Anthem.
Gaga’s Other Options
Had “Lady” Gaga read her Bible she would have discovered that homosexuality is associated with other sinful behaviors – both sexual and non-sexual. Let us see why she would not have selected one of these other behaviors.
Romans 1:22-32 lists homosexuality and lesbianism alongside “murder, deceit, hatred, gossip, slander, pride” and other sins. For “home of the brave,” rather than “home for the gay,” Gaga might have substituted “home of the “murderers, haters, or slanderers.” After all, they are all equally condemned by God! But no, Gaga wants America to be the home for “the gay.” She chose a behavior that would endear her to her fans, not alienate her from them.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 lists “homosexuality” alongside “fornication, idolatry, adultery, thievery, extortion” and other sins. For “home of the brave,” Gaga might have substituted “home of the fornicators, adulterers or thieves.” Would this have served her purpose? I think not.
1 Timothy 1:9-10 lists homosexuality alongside “murder, kidnapping, perjury” and other sins. How would it have worked for Gaga to say, “O’er the land of the free and home of the murderers or kidnappers?” She obviously substituted “gay” for “brave” because homosexuality and gay marriage have become socially acceptable and politically correct to many. The substitution enhances her image and increases her wealth. Such would not happen if she were to substitute some other immoral behavior.
By her flippant substitution of terms, Gaga denigrates the sacrifices of the brave men and women whose bravery (not their sexual interests) make them ready to die for their country. Like so many others, Gaga doesn’t appreciate the principle of self-sacrifice. She needs to read her Bible. Jesus said, “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). The apostle Paul spoke of the scarcity of one dying to save another person (Romans 5:7). Most reasonable and conscientious people do appreciate this rare and noble quality. The choice to endanger or lose one’s life for others is indeed a brave and selfless choice. It is dismissed and minimized only by those who are too ignorant, condescending, privileged and narcissistic to appreciate its real value. Sadly, “Lady” Gaga will likely continue to be wealthy, and idolized by many uneducated youths in our country. However, this does not mean that the rest of us must be silent! (After all, thanks to the actions of “the brave,” it’s still the “land of the free!”)
Tim Haile