Aftermath of a Quran Burning

A so-called “pastor” from Florida finally followed through with his promise to burn a Quran. The “Quran” is the alleged “Holy Book” of Islam. It is the Muslim “Bible.” The results of this burning were totally predictable. Almost 40 people have been killed in retaliation. Some of them were even beheaded. Those killed were residents of Afghanistan and had absolutely nothing to do with the burning of the Quran. This incident once again reveals the mind-set of too many Islamists. They look for any opportunity they can find to kill their spiritual foes, including fellow Muslims who refuse to share their rage. Of course, as I have documented time and again, the Quran repeatedly instructs them to do so (Quran 2:192-194, 245-247; 4:48-49, 75-79, 85; 9:5, 29, 39, 41, 44, 111…et al). Verse 5 of chapter 9 of the Quran says, “Fight and slay the infidel wherever you find them…” The reality is that the only safe and peaceful Muslims are those who do not completely follow the Quran.

Regardless of what one thinks of the Quran, whether he views it as a “holy” book or not, whether he believes it should be burned or not, reasonable people should agree that there is no moral equivalency between the burning of a Quran and the beheading of a human being!

As one who has examined and been convinced by the abundant evidence, I accept the Bible as God’s “Holy Book.” It claims divine authorship. Paul said, “all Scripture is inspired of God…” (2 Tim. 3:16). As a Christian, I seek to convince others of the truthfulness of the Bible, and of the benefits and rewards of following its instructions. However, it should be understood that the actual books that contain this divine teaching are produced from common materials [paper, leather, cardboard, ink…etc]. Consequently, the “book” itself is not “holy.” Like other books, Bibles deteriorate and begin to disintegrate, and like other books, they may be disposed of and replaced. They may even be burned. No sin is committed in this process. Muslims claim that the Quran is different from the Bible, in that the Quran contains “God’s actual words.” Muslims, therefore, do not object to the burning of Bibles. But the Muslim is either misinformed, or he is propagandizing. Muslims should understand that Bible believers DO believe the Bible to contain the actual words of God! So, to be fair, the Muslim should feel as strongly against the burning of a Bible as he does against the burning of a Quran! [Note: Muslims claim that the Quran is not subject to textual transmission and translation errors because it was revealed “in Arabic.” Of what significance is this argument when the Quran, like the Bible, has been translated into every language known to man! I could just as easily argue that the Bible is far superior to the Quran due to the fact that the Bible was written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Koine Greek! The argument proves nothing.]

Some books do need to be burned. After accepting Paul’s gospel message, the converts at Ephesus burned their own sorcery books, which were of significant value (Acts 19:19. I would personally like to see all pornographic and false religious materials piled up and burned [interestingly, Muslims agree with me on this point]. However, I know that doing so would provide only a short term fix, and would not solve the real problem of lust and sin. The Ephesians burned their own books. It serves no useful purpose to burn books that others consider “holy,” for such action does nothing to change their understanding and will. As seen with the Muslims, it often just enflames passions and provides an excuse for bad behavior. So, while Quran-burning serves no useful purpose (except perhaps to demonstrate the true nature of Islam), neither is it right to behead people for burning copies of the Quran!

Tim Haile

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