The Obama Justice Department And Gay Marriage

The Obama Justice Department recently stated that it will no longer defend section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act. The Defense of Marriage Act [DOMA] is the law that defines “marriage” as being for a man and a woman [as opposed to a man and a man or a woman and a woman]. This means that the Obama Justice Department will no longer defend the right of States to reject the gay marriages that are performed in other States. They will be forced to accept gay marriages in the same way that they accept traditional heterosexual marriages. I’m sure that the king of Sodom would have been quite proud of president Obama’s new decision about gay marriage. His city was characterized by its open acceptance of homosexuality (Genesis 19:4, 5; Jude 7). Of course, along with Gomorrah and other cities of the plain, the city of Sodom was utterly incinerated by direct action by God (Gen. 19:22-24). No pro-gay-marriage leader can take any comfort from Sodom’s “progressive” history.

While it is essential that a nation maintain a clear distinction between the state [government] and religion, it is equally essential that a connection be maintained between the state and morality. Failure to regulate certain types of behavior results in anarchy and chaos. While it would be great for people to all control themselves, such has never been the reality, hence God’s ordination of civil government (Romans 13:1; 1 Peter 2:14). In the real world there are bad and dangerous people who engage in types of behavior that simply must be regulated by the government. No society can be safe, peaceful and productive if evil men are permitted to roam the countryside assaulting, murdering, robbing and raping those who are vulnerable to their powers. Some moral standard must exist and it must be enforced, including a standard for marriage.

The Bible defines marriage as being between a man and a woman (Matthew 19:4, 5; 1 Cor. 7:2, 3). The biblical principle of free agency gives gays the ability to choose to practice their sin, but there is no reason why others in society must honor their choice. Gay marriage is wrong.

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