The Restoration Plea

In the first century, after the Lord’s church was established, there were no denominations like we have today. Of course, there were some who departed from the faith and yet held to a form of religion. A notable example is Diotrophes (3 Jn. 9-11), who took control of a congregation and expelled those who wanted to follow the apostles’ doctrine. But generally, the churches in the first century could be accurately called “churches of Christ” (Rom. 16:16) because they submitted to Christ’s authority and not to that of any man.

While the early church generally enjoyed this unity, Paul warned of a movement that would change all of this. He wrote to the church at Thessalonica about “the apostasy” that was coming. He personifies this great apostasy by calling it “the man of lawlessness” (2 Th. 2:3). This “man of lawlessness” is described as one who “opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God” (2 Th. 2:4). This apostasy would be characterized by certain men exalting themselves among God’s people, claiming to speak for God and exercise authority over their brethren. It is called an apostasy because it would begin with some who were faithful Christians, but they depart from the faith to follow their own doctrines and practices. This is exactly what denominationalism is. Denominationalism, beginning with the Catholic church, is the great apostasy.

As the Catholic church moved further away from the Lord’s church, a movement began to try to reform the Catholic church. This is called the Reformation Movement. However, this did not correct the problem. Instead of attacking “the man of lawlessness,” the reformers attacked certain abuses. They did not attempt to return to the simplicity of the New Testament church. They wanted to fix the Catholic church. This did not work and ultimately resulted in thousands of denominations in the world today.

In the 1800’s, a new movement began in this country, commonly called the Restoration Movement. Unlike the Reformation, the Restoration Movement sought to restore the doctrines and practices of the New Testament church. It began with men like Alexander Campbell and Barton W. Stone leaving their denominations in order to be part of the church that Jesus built. The Restoration plea was two-fold. The first was unity instead of the divisions of denominationalism. The second was to use the New Testament as ouronly rule of faith and practice.

Both aspects of this plea are certainly taught in the Bible. We must follow them because they are divinely given, not because some men in generations past taught them. Regarding unity, Jesus prayed for his followers to be united (Jn. 17:20-21). Paul wrote about the “unity of the Spirit” (Eph. 4:3-7). God’s people should not be divided (1 Cor. 1:10-13). The Restoration movement was an attack on denominationalism.

The need to take the New Testament as our only rule of faith and practice is certainly taught in God’s word. The call to “speak where the Bible speaks and be silent where it is silent” comes from Peter’s words in 1 Peter 4:11 — “If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God.” When we preach, we are to “preach the word” (2 Tim. 4:2). We have no right to alter the message (Gal. 1:6-9), either by adding to it, taking away from it, or changing various parts of it. The Restoration plea should be ours today — give up the churches and teachings of men and let us follow the Bible exclusively and thereby have unity.

As the movement progressed, a division arose among those of this movement. Eventually, a split occurred between the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the churches of Christ. The major issues that divided these groups were over the missionary society and instrumental music in worship. Faithful gospel preachers like Daniel Sommer zealously opposed the innovations that some tried to promote. Because men would not give up their innovations, division was inevitable.

Some have looked back at this split that occurred 100 years ago and have suggested that these two groups divided because they followed/emphasized different aspects of the Restoration plea. It is asserted that the Christian Church focused on unity and the churches of Christ focused on the New Testament pattern. While this might sound like a simple summary of the division, it is really not accurate.

The two parts of the Restoration plea actually compliment one another. Jesus prayed for unity based on His word (Jn. 17:20). Part of the “platform for unity” was the “one faith” (Eph. 4:5). This is the body of doctrine, “the faith” (Jude 3), that produces faith in us (Rom. 10:17). Following the same rule/pattern naturally results in unity. The Restoration plea harmonized with this. It was a call for unity among all professed Christians. But there was a condition. They had to give up the creeds and traditions of men and follow the New Testament exclusively.

What if we neglect the pattern for the sake of unity? Some believe you cannot both strive to keep the New Testament pattern and maintain unity. Some say the Christian Church chose to strive for unity rather than keeping the pattern, which would have prohibited their missionary societies and instruments in worship. The result of forsaking the pattern for unity is unity in diversity. This is unity in spite of sin and error. But the New Testament explicitly forbids us to have fellowship with brethren who are living in sin (1 Cor. 5:13), practicing error (Eph. 5:11), and teaching false doctrine (2 Jn. 10:11). It is a dangerous position to say we must ignore or loosely interpret the Bible in order to have unity. If striving to follow the pattern leads to division — and this is the accusation that many make — then they indict God as being the “author of confusion” (1 Cor. 14:33). After all, He gave us the pattern.

What if we neglect unity for the sake of following the pattern? This is what many believe churches of Christ have done and view the brethren as legalists, Pharisees, and those who cause division. Today, if we strive to be careful to follow the pattern God has left us, we are seen as divisive. The same thing happened with men like Daniel Sommer who opposed instrumental music and missionary societies. I suppose it will happen to faithful brethren until the Lord returns. But as we noticed, striving for unity and following the New Testament pattern go hand in hand. What kind of unity is sacrificed if we strive to follow the pattern? Unity with those in sin and error (the unity in diversity I mentioned in the last paragraph). This is not the unity we should desire. We must be “diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4:3). It is impossible to neglect the “unity of the Spirit” when we zealously follow the New Testament pattern.

God desires unity. But it must be on His terms. We must give up the teachings of men, whether they are written in formal creeds or not, and go back to the Bible and live by the pattern that God has given us.

Andy Sochor

2 thoughts on “The Restoration Plea”

  1. Andy,

    The Christian Church historically has been concerned with the Restoration Plea. We understand the gospel. We understand that we are to follow the new way of the Spirit and not of the old way of the written code as Paul said. This is the new covenant. Jesus did the work. We get right by being in Christ and staying in Him. The problem is with the “pattern” idea. That leads to LAW keeping instead of grace, faith and following the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is given to us to help remind us of what Jesus said. Without the indwelling Holy Spirit we cannot have unity.

    Many have let Satan rob them of the gospel which leads to the indwelling Holy Spirit who brings us to unity in the faith.

    Anyone who tries to follow Jesus by making the “New Testament” into 27 books of law has missed the mark and has cut themselves off from Christ and fallen from grace. Gal. 5:4
    Paul talks about,
    A different gospel.
    A different Jesus.
    A different Spirit.

    These are the deceptions of Satan.

    The problem with believers in Christ today is found somewhere in these things.

    I met a Baptist the other day who said he had gone too far and that God could not forgive him.

    I told him his problem was that he didn’t believe in Jesus.
    He insisted that he did believe.
    I told him the Jesus he believed in was not the Son of God because the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.

    These are some thoughts off the top of my head. I’ve been fighting the good fight 31 years now. I hope you will see past the current mindsets and let God show you more. The prayer of unity Jesus prayed in John 17 is possible.


  2. Glen, if your comment accurately represents the general thinking of those in the Christian Church, then it serves as a great reminder as to what is the ultimate result of rejecting the New Testament pattern – salvation by grace alone apart from any obedience from our part (as you said, “Jesus did the work”).

    The Bible certainly teaches we are saved by grace. But it never states, either explicitly or implicitly, that we are saved by grace ALONE or that grace is unconditional. Jesus is “to all those who OBEY Him the source of eternal salvation” (Hebrews 5:9).

    About that “pattern” idea you believe is such a “problem,” Paul told Timothy, “Hold fast the pattern of sound words” (2 Timothy 1:13). Was Paul guilty of teaching a “different gospel” – one that he had already warned the Galatians about (Galatians 1:6-7)? Or is it that the pure, unadulterated gospel teaches that we must obey Christ to be saved and follow the pattern that has been revealed in the word of God? The above passages answer that question.

    You, as well as many others, try to make the case that the conflict between grace and LAW is an irreconcilable difference between grace and OBEDIENCE. This is not accurate.

    In the beginning of his gospel, John contrasted grace and law. But he was not contrasting grace and obedience. He was contrasting Jesus and Moses (John 1:17). The one verse you cited was Galatians 5:4. Let’s notice a couple verses with that to get the context:

    “Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no benefit to you. And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law. You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace” (Galatians 5:2-4).

    What is the LAW here that Paul warned the Christians of following? Was it the New Testament (or that some would make “the ‘New Testament’ into 27 books of law”)? No! It was a law that required circumcision! What law was that? The Law of Moses. If one wants to be justified by the Old Law – and there were many in the early days of the church that did – he severs himself from Christ, thus falling from grace. This passage in no way suggests that obedience to the gospel and conformity to the New Testament pattern is irrelevant.

    At the end you said, “I hope you will see past the current mindsets and let God show you more.” What more? God has revealed everything we need in His word (2 Peter 1:3). What more is there for God to show me? The Scriptures make us “adequate, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

    Yes, the unity Jesus prayed for is possible. As Jesus said, “I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; that they may all be one…” (John 17:20-21). We cannot throw out the word and expect the kind of unity that Jesus prayed for. We can have unity as we follow the same pattern of sound words that was preached by the apostles through inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

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